Monday, March 31, 2008

Hey Ya'll! My BFF's Rock!

My Bestest friends in the whole entire world would have to be Mandi,Keairra, Ashley, and Randi. WE ROCK MAN~! We will do the stupidest things and maybe get in little fights, but in the end we will do anything for each other because we love each other. We are going to tell you a little bit about them.

Lets start with Keairra. Oh my Gosh she will make you laugh so hard, you just might pee your pants. She loves to be the center of attention (don't blame her. That is just her personality) oh and does she LOVE Hannah Montana! Haha she is awesome.

Ashley is so awesome. We love her so much! She rox our sox and makes all of us laugh! She will always make tense moments easier for everyone. She is awesome~!

Randi is so STRANGE.. lol jk randi! We love you! She is very smart and always is willing to help us with anything. She is like our Wonder woman.

Mandi is basicly my twin, lol accept she doesn't look like me at all. She is very beautiful and she is awesome. She has the best advice. I love her!

We even have Scrapbooks with tons of pictures of us, followed by tons of memories. It rocks! Good times, good times.

Peace out!

1 comment:

Megal said...

Good friends make the world go round!