wow. HECK YEAHHH!!!! today frickin rocked!!! so today was the last day of school and i had the bomb dot com. yeah. it was that cool. so numero uno. ( sorry my spanish speaking skills aren't at their fullest right now) we got to come to school with NO backpacks and no fetching bus basses!!! SWEET! this is a pic of me and my homies down at the bus stop. We look pretty dang hot, if you ask me.

numero dose. we got to school and chilled for a while, until it was time... time to go TO BREAKFAST!!!! FREE BREAKFAST!!! ooooh it was so yummy. Chocolate chip pancakes, ham, and juice. but in order to get it, we had to wait outside in line for a while--- it was frickin Antarctica out there!!!!! oh my word, we about just froze our butts off out there. here are some pics of us trying to survive the cold.

Keairra and Brooke jammin out

isn't worth the wait

numero tres. well after a while we got our fricken sweet yearbooks that say THUNDERSTRUCK on the front. (THANK YOU NICOLE FOR AN AWESOME YEARBOOK!!) and we signed them with all of our best buddies. i had a kick butt day. I AM GOING TO MISS ALL OF YOU!!!!!! LOVE YAAA!!!! CYA NEXT YEAR!!!!
haha you are totally welcome for the awesomely awesome YB haha it took 4 eva to make though if you look on pgs 41 and 44 you can find my initials haha idk if Winfree knows tho!!!! anyways that was a ton of fun I'm gonna miss you all a ton too. so when are we going to have this wacky sleepover and go to walmart at 3:00 in the morning???? ahha well ily see ya later!!!!!!!!
you are your mother's daughter.
love you katie
I heart you. I am so glad you are blogging. I am not sure that the blogosphere can handle two of you Cloves though ;)
KT i totally love that picture of u for ur prof. it is so cute!!! you look so grown up.... when i first saw it i was all wait a sec who is this/??? he he but it is totally cute!!! i luvvz u and i will miss u too have a great week!!! when i get back we need to have our sleepover!!!! luvvz u all
p.s. when ash gets back will u tell her where i went haha i dont' think she knows hahahaha anyways bye bye :D :D
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