Wednesday, May 14, 2008

the funniest thing in the whole world= FRED!

this is absoloutly hi-lar-ious! i was rolling on the floor. hehehe no not really. but seriously, it was that funny. Me and my friends were bored, ya know, just looking dumb things up on youtube, and found this video called, "fred loses his meds".. of course we clicked on it because it looked kinda funny. After we watched it, we just had to look for more of these video's.

For all of you who are not patient and can't stand this video, well suck it up! (aka mom) i swear she would rather chew on rusty nails than watch this again heheh. Well, if you want to watch it, check it out...HERE!

p.s. i dont know why i chose this pic, hehe i just thought that it was funny :D


Mindi said...

i generally like stuff like that, but he was too frackin' annoying for your mother. which says alot, katie.

good thing i liked the photo of the pope rockin' it out--thanks, babe!

Nicole Winona said...

hahaha i LOVE fred! i made Bundy watch EVERY single one of them he almost died after lol's! that was a GREAT thing to write about! i'm not positive but i think i did a fred post a while back! thanks for the laughs KT u always make my day!

rachel & rachael said...

ha! i luv fred hes hilarious!!! ive watched every 1 of his videos! lol! <333 Rachael

Jocelyn Photography said...

hahaha kaitlyn.
memories (:
im gunna go ding dong ditch kevin's house!
take that kevin! thats what you get for throwing a meatbasket at me you jerk!

where are my pills? they aren't in my underwear drawr! i always put them in my underwear drawr.

how do you spell drawr?

Anonymous said...

HAHA i love the picture!
you are so awesome.

thanks for reading :))

check out the myspace!
