1- she is always so kind and caring, no matter what.
2- she is so funny-- sometimes she makes me laugh so hard that i will almost, ALMOST, pee my pants.
3- she is so beautiful and always looks great, even if she is just leaving the house for only five minutes. i want to look just like her when i grow up.
4- we are twilight buddies. (: sometimes when i just feel like gushing all about how cute edward is, or how idiotic jacob is, i can always count on my mom to listen and to always talk about it with me
5- she is a great mom she can always make one of my sisters feel better or loved even if she is just putting on a band aid or just telling them i love you. she is also a kick-a hair stylist. example a:example b:
i think she does it pretty darn cute :)
6- she will let me link my arm through hers in public and she wont even get embarrassed sometimes if we sing out loud. we both love love LOVE loud music, so we don't really care if we sing AS LOUD AS WE CAN
7- she always picks out the cutest clothes for me, always. never once has she failed to make me look cute. even if it hurts sometimes, she will tell me to go work a little harder on my hair or pick a different outfit, but its worth it. and I HAVE been putting a lot of effort into my looks- if i may say so thank you very much.
8- she has the prettiest movie star smile you will ever see. i am so jealous that i didn't get her smile. hehe i got my grandma larkin's smile :)
9- she will always help me if i have any problems in my life, never once has she said no, i wont help you. she has always been there for me-- through the good and the bad
10- she is my best friend, and i love her with all of my heart. i love you, mom!
Friday, May 30, 2008
10 reasons why i love my mom
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
wow. HECK YEAHHH!!!! today frickin rocked!!! so today was the last day of school and i had the bomb dot com. yeah. it was that cool. so numero uno. ( sorry my spanish speaking skills aren't at their fullest right now) we got to come to school with NO backpacks and no fetching bus basses!!! SWEET! this is a pic of me and my homies down at the bus stop. We look pretty dang hot, if you ask me.

numero tres. well after a while we got our fricken sweet yearbooks that say THUNDERSTRUCK on the front. (THANK YOU NICOLE FOR AN AWESOME YEARBOOK!!) and we signed them with all of our best buddies. i had a kick butt day. I AM GOING TO MISS ALL OF YOU!!!!!! LOVE YAAA!!!! CYA NEXT YEAR!!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
the funniest thing in the whole world= FRED!
this is absoloutly hi-lar-ious! i was rolling on the floor. hehehe no not really. but seriously, it was that funny. Me and my friends were bored, ya know, just looking dumb things up on youtube, and found this video called, "fred loses his meds".. of course we clicked on it because it looked kinda funny. After we watched it, we just had to look for more of these video's.
For all of you who are not patient and can't stand this video, well suck it up! (aka mom) i swear she would rather chew on rusty nails than watch this again heheh. Well, if you want to watch it, check it out...HERE!
p.s. i dont know why i chose this pic, hehe i just thought that it was funny :D
Saturday, May 10, 2008
My BiG oVeRnIgHt AdVeNtUrE
Wow. tending a 3 year old who is being potty trained over night is harder than i thought. Last night, My parents went to a concert and Abbey had a dance performance. I had to stay home and watch my lil' sis, mia bo bia. She is just so darn cute!!! While my parents went to abbey's concert, and after that, to vegas, Randi came up and Helped me. She rox my sox. She always is there when i need her. Love ya, girl!
We had pizza factory for dinner and, i swear on my life, that the delivery guy was gay. Freaked me out a little bit, and everyone out there, don't take offense. i don't have any racism against genders who like their same gender, i am just still getting used to how big and how different this world is. Well, i love pizza factory, therefore, i didn't care. Randi, Mia and I had a blast eating the best pizza in the whole world.
Later, we put mia into bed and went and just chilled for a while. A while later, Randi and i were getting tired, so we went into the bedroom and watched Television until we got sleepy. Right at 4:00 in the morning, our door opens and i shoot straight up in bed. I calm down when i realize that its mia, and worse of all, she is crying. I ask her whats wrong and she says, "tee-dee( thats how she says my name) i pee in my pants.My first thought? Crap. I get out of bed, haha while Randi is over on the other side snoring, sleeping like a baby, and help mia go to the potty and change her panies. But the bad part was that she refused to get back into bed. So, i let her get into bed with Randi and I. it still makes me giggle when randi told me that she kept calling her Keairra and asking her questions, in the middle of the frickin' night. Mia after a while at like 8:00 in the morning, i told her that a box of cereal was on the counter and that she could go watch cartoons. She was thrilled.
We slept in until 9:30, to go find mia just chillaxing on the couch with every frickin' possible toy surrounding her on the couch. We had a clean up and i vacuumed all of the rooms upstairs. We put on some music and just waited for my parents to come home.
Randi had to go, so we said our goodbyes and mia and I went to go watch the phantom of the opera. We had a blast and i was surprised to know that mia knew some of the songs. My dad came home ( my mom and my aunt are staying over night and coming home tomorrow)
and he took me and my sisters to get cafe rio. How good of a dad is he?? I love him, he is the best!
Talk about an over night adventure, hahaha. Well i gotta go, cya!!