Saturday, January 3, 2009

changes! woot woot!

so, as you can tell, things are a bit different around here! and im so happy!!!!!! new background! new playlist! new TITLE! i don't know why i chose the title, i just liked it!! (: and the colors are freakin cool. and ugh. just an update. i have to go to school on monday. sucks. ugh. thats about it.
peace!! ♥


Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaahahahahhaahahahaahaha im a cool person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kennedy said...

hahaha nice chawni me 2!!!!haha i luv your background where did u get it ??hahaha i m dreading going back to school...uhg!hahawhere did u get the title??k ttyl.luv ya!!

Anonymous said...

Katie Darling! Hello! I love you so darn much! I like your new stuff, it's nice! haha! I was just thinking about the notes we were writing last year about the "Skinny as a stop sign"(definition of katie) and "macho stuffed burrito, with all the extra crap." (Definition of me.) oh my word I was just laughing so hard! and not to mention NP! UGH we have to get rid of him ASAP! Well...better get back to my delightful dinner at my favorite restaurant in the whole world...THE VILLAGE INN! Love you Katie! David Archuleta is Mind boggeling Steamy!
The one and only, Bree Archuleta!