Kinda Blurry, Flex those muscles, girls!!
taking a picure. We thought she didn't make it in there.... We thought wrong (:

I had the most awesome night ever no joke (: So here is pretty much how my night went.
I got off the bus from school, ran up and got my stuff ( hairspray, makeup, costume, jewelry, Junk food, etc.) and ran down to Randi's house when Shelly, Brooke and Bree's mom, picked us up. She is so awesome. She made the yummiest dinner, called Witches Brew, ( THE yummiest taco soup ever with sides like carrots pickles and dip) went all the way to the movie store to get all of us the movie " Prom Night", and after we went through a couple haunted houses and trick-or-treated for a bit, she took us back over to my neighbor hood, where we met the hottest people we know, my parents and Jared and Jody. My mom was dressed as a goth (Ew, don't do that mom (: ) and my dad was a scary guy in a mask. Jared and Jody were... drum roll please.... Hannah Montana and Nick Jonas ( Nicole you should have seen it!! ) . We went trick or treating for a while, ate all we could with ice cream, chips, candy, and soda, and watched Prom Night! So fun! More jumpy/ suspenseful than scary but still awesome! i loved it! After watching Prom Night and all of its deleted scenes/ special features (: my awesome dad drove us back over to Brooke and Bree's house to have an awesome sleep-over filled with candy eating, talking all night, and watching PART of superstar before we fell asleep (: thanks you guys for making that the best night ever! love you guys!!!
I got off the bus from school, ran up and got my stuff ( hairspray, makeup, costume, jewelry, Junk food, etc.) and ran down to Randi's house when Shelly, Brooke and Bree's mom, picked us up. She is so awesome. She made the yummiest dinner, called Witches Brew, ( THE yummiest taco soup ever with sides like carrots pickles and dip) went all the way to the movie store to get all of us the movie " Prom Night", and after we went through a couple haunted houses and trick-or-treated for a bit, she took us back over to my neighbor hood, where we met the hottest people we know, my parents and Jared and Jody. My mom was dressed as a goth (Ew, don't do that mom (: ) and my dad was a scary guy in a mask. Jared and Jody were... drum roll please.... Hannah Montana and Nick Jonas ( Nicole you should have seen it!! ) . We went trick or treating for a while, ate all we could with ice cream, chips, candy, and soda, and watched Prom Night! So fun! More jumpy/ suspenseful than scary but still awesome! i loved it! After watching Prom Night and all of its deleted scenes/ special features (: my awesome dad drove us back over to Brooke and Bree's house to have an awesome sleep-over filled with candy eating, talking all night, and watching PART of superstar before we fell asleep (: thanks you guys for making that the best night ever! love you guys!!!
Katie i just think that pic of me jumping in front of the camera is so awsome
i bet you dont know who left the comment about the pic......cause i dont!
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