i had the absolute bestest time like EVER on friday night! and the thunderstorm came! and kicked some major BUTT!!! heck yeah!
well DHHS had their first football game on friday! and we won! 36-3! hows that for some competition!
bring it dixie!!!! ( haha jared :D )
and we'll take down pine view too!
anyways, me and all of my besties...
hmm lemme name them all.
Cameron,( nicole's backpack buddy)
and lots of other peeps like Nich came by and Dallin, were ALL THERE!!! i had a blast! and did i mention the HAWT football players?!?! WOO! hahah me and my bestie ashley kept saying NUMBA THREE IS A HOTTIE!
haha sorry for anybody who knows who that is, but he was FREAKING GORGEOUS! i could've stayed there all night. and after the game, there was, A STOMP!!! omg i had the funnest time there, i danced like every song. AND rory, lucky him, escorted almost every girl that i just named. his face was soo funny! i love him to death! we danced the night a way! well, im going to a lot of football games this year! so i might see ya there!
Peace out ya'll
p.s. heres some pics of all of them.Top to bottom--
Pic 1: Left, Nicole, Right, Me!
Pic 2: Left, Keairra, Right, Brooke
Pic 3: Left, me!, right Jocelyn
Pic 4: Left, Gabe, Right, Rory
Pic 5: Left, Ashley, Middle, Myrranda, Right, Nicole
Pic 6: Left, Randi, Right, Brooke ( haha that was at efy)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
best. night. EVAH!!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
hi there (:
Myspace Kisses Comments & Graphics
Hey peeps!
Wus up people? sorry i haven't blogged in a while, and i thought i might as well do one.
sigh, school started again. I HATE SCHOOL! haha sorry, the social part is fun but anything besides that is BLEH! well, besides those lil details, IM A FRESHMAN!! WOO~~!!!!! haha fresh meat, thats what all the older high schoolers are calling us, its funny (: The deseret hills high school is right next to us, they're sticking us in the middle school for now. oh well, we'll live. but the first day was wayyy fun! i saw all my friends again! well, the ones that i didn't see very often. LIKE NICOLE! AND MYRRANDA!! omg i missed them a ton! haha love them tons.
oh and by the way, the high school boys.......
like 15 million on a hottness scale from 1-10. haha crazy huh?
well there's tons of those 15 millions over there.
my bff keairra is soo lucky. she has a dance class over there, she has to walk by ALL the hot guys during lunch. haha but she doesn't mind one bit!
and for that fact, if i were her, neither would i!! :D
well, i should probably go now.
well peace out!

Myspace Kisses Comments & Graphics
heart ♥ katie
oh and p.s. you are probably like, what the heck is the picture for up at the top??
i dont know! i just liked it! haha cya!
sigh, school started again. I HATE SCHOOL! haha sorry, the social part is fun but anything besides that is BLEH! well, besides those lil details, IM A FRESHMAN!! WOO~~!!!!! haha fresh meat, thats what all the older high schoolers are calling us, its funny (: The deseret hills high school is right next to us, they're sticking us in the middle school for now. oh well, we'll live. but the first day was wayyy fun! i saw all my friends again! well, the ones that i didn't see very often. LIKE NICOLE! AND MYRRANDA!! omg i missed them a ton! haha love them tons.
oh and by the way, the high school boys.......
like 15 million on a hottness scale from 1-10. haha crazy huh?
well there's tons of those 15 millions over there.
my bff keairra is soo lucky. she has a dance class over there, she has to walk by ALL the hot guys during lunch. haha but she doesn't mind one bit!
and for that fact, if i were her, neither would i!! :D
well, i should probably go now.
well peace out!
Myspace Kisses Comments & Graphics
heart ♥ katie
oh and p.s. you are probably like, what the heck is the picture for up at the top??
i dont know! i just liked it! haha cya!
Friday, August 8, 2008
i got tagged, again. (:
I GOT TAGGED! by jocelyn (:
What I was doing 10 Years ago:
i'd be playing with the kennedy, bailey, or with my other friend janay. (:
What are 3 habits of mine?
1. staying up late
2. texting on my phone
3.listening to music, a lot.
3 Things you might not know about me:
1.i could live off of chilis chips and salsa/ queso for the rest of my life (:
2. really late at night, i get really grumpy and if im not doing something fun, well im not the happy camper.
3. my favorite kid movie is the swan princess
6 TV Shows/Movies that I Love:
1. Prison Break
2. Lost
3. She's the man
4. Sydney white
5. Batman: the dark night
6. CSI las vegas
4 Books that I Love:
1. twilight series
2. maximum ride series
3. a great and terrible beauty series
4. The host
5 of my Favorite Foods:
1. chips and salsa ( well anything mexican )
2. Diet coke
3. pepperoni pizza
4. Salad from pizza factory
5 Best Friends:
1. Randi Hulet
2. Keairra Cox
3. Kennedy Cowan
4. Mandi Empey
5. Ashley Whipple/ Bailey Kemp/ Nicole Winona/ Jocelyn Jones/ and lots of other peoples that are too many to count
7 favorite songs/bands/artists:
1. Pretty Rave Girl
2. Now you're gone
3. Fall for you- Secondhand serenade
4.Shake it- Metro station
5. One step at a time- Jordin sparks
6. Over and Over- Three days grace
7. Depeche mode!
What are 3 habits of mine?
1. staying up late
2. texting on my phone
3.listening to music, a lot.
3 Things you might not know about me:
1.i could live off of chilis chips and salsa/ queso for the rest of my life (:
2. really late at night, i get really grumpy and if im not doing something fun, well im not the happy camper.
3. my favorite kid movie is the swan princess
6 TV Shows/Movies that I Love:
1. Prison Break
2. Lost
3. She's the man
4. Sydney white
5. Batman: the dark night
6. CSI las vegas
4 Books that I Love:
1. twilight series
2. maximum ride series
3. a great and terrible beauty series
4. The host
5 of my Favorite Foods:
1. chips and salsa ( well anything mexican )
2. Diet coke
3. pepperoni pizza
4. Salad from pizza factory
5 Best Friends:
1. Randi Hulet
2. Keairra Cox
3. Kennedy Cowan
4. Mandi Empey
5. Ashley Whipple/ Bailey Kemp/ Nicole Winona/ Jocelyn Jones/ and lots of other peoples that are too many to count
7 favorite songs/bands/artists:
1. Pretty Rave Girl
2. Now you're gone
3. Fall for you- Secondhand serenade
4.Shake it- Metro station
5. One step at a time- Jordin sparks
6. Over and Over- Three days grace
7. Depeche mode!
those are NOT in order. i love music, and i can not put any in a certain order (:
Your Favorite Place To be:
on vaca! (:
okay i tag...
and my mother, mindi!
Your Favorite Place To be:
on vaca! (:
okay i tag...
and my mother, mindi!
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