i am so freaking excited!!! oh my freak! (sorry that i haven't posted in a while (: i love you!)
I AM 14!!!! FINALLY!!!
How crazy is that...?? i remember last year when i was turning 13 and i was SOOOO excited.
how in the world is it a year already!!!?!
hahaha sorry people i am just soooo hackin happy! my birthday was on tuesday, but that was a special yw night. it was a daddy- daughter date thingy. it was very fun.
sooo, on monday night to celebrate my birthday, i went to Pizza factory with my small lil family of 6 (me, Chandler(10) , Abbey(7), Mia(3), My mom Mindi (not going to say age, for the sake of my mother) and My Dad Russ(dido) ) hahaha and My Aunt Megan and Uncle Neal and their lil baby, my cousin, Madi.
we had a freakin blast. all though i have to admit our booth was awfully small and a VERY weird shape. but still, we had lots of laughs and giggles while enjoying pizza and our soda's.
i was trying sooo hard not to laugh in this pic, if you can't tell. Why, you ask?
well do you see those sunglasses on my uncle neal? those are MINE! hahaha how hot is he in those things?! i love him, he is just soo funny and i always enjoy when he comes over.
We went home and Invited our friends the Hanks and the Cowans, as well as some stragglers, my other friends, Keairra and Randi. Or Emmett and Bella, if you prefer. ( hehehe inside joke. sorry people!)
My WONDERFUL and VERY FABULOUS aunt Megan made that wonderful cake right there. oh and mom, its a CUPCAKE, not an ICE CREAM CONE.
it was the best birthday i could ever ask for. just wait until i'm 15!
AHHH i will get my permit!!!!!!!
look out, parents!
I love all of you, who came. and also people who didn't, i love you too! lol
have a kick butt june~!
I AM 14!!!! FINALLY!!!
How crazy is that...?? i remember last year when i was turning 13 and i was SOOOO excited.
how in the world is it a year already!!!?!
hahaha sorry people i am just soooo hackin happy! my birthday was on tuesday, but that was a special yw night. it was a daddy- daughter date thingy. it was very fun.
sooo, on monday night to celebrate my birthday, i went to Pizza factory with my small lil family of 6 (me, Chandler(10) , Abbey(7), Mia(3), My mom Mindi (not going to say age, for the sake of my mother) and My Dad Russ(dido) ) hahaha and My Aunt Megan and Uncle Neal and their lil baby, my cousin, Madi.
i was trying sooo hard not to laugh in this pic, if you can't tell. Why, you ask?
well do you see those sunglasses on my uncle neal? those are MINE! hahaha how hot is he in those things?! i love him, he is just soo funny and i always enjoy when he comes over.
We went home and Invited our friends the Hanks and the Cowans, as well as some stragglers, my other friends, Keairra and Randi. Or Emmett and Bella, if you prefer. ( hehehe inside joke. sorry people!)
My WONDERFUL and VERY FABULOUS aunt Megan made that wonderful cake right there. oh and mom, its a CUPCAKE, not an ICE CREAM CONE.
AHHH i will get my permit!!!!!!!
look out, parents!
I love all of you, who came. and also people who didn't, i love you too! lol
have a kick butt june~!