Greetings my fellow bloggers.Well, My very great friend, who for the sake of Moi made a post just so i could be entertained. How good of a friend is she?! It was about making a random post about five facts about yourself that people might not have known. Well here goes my five facts. And if i tag you, you have to do it!
1- I absolutely am one of the fastest readers i know.(heh besides my mom who reads at the speed of light. I am only at the speed of sound, but i am catching up, mom!) I read the twilight series ( 3 massive books that are like anywhere from 400 pages to 600 pages) and The Maximum Ride Series (4 books that are all longer than 400 pages except for the last one which was to dang short. frickin' 250 pages :( ) each in three days! How cool is that!?!?!
2- When i was two years old, my mom came outside to find me chewing on a massive scorpion. I know, how nasty is that?! luckily, it was dead.
3- i have OCD with left-over messages. Like if i have 30 messages in my sent box in my phone, and i have 35 messages in my inbox, it will literally DRIVE ME INSANE. i HAVE to erase them. This isn't just with my phone, its also with my computer and other random things. Don't ask me why i do this, because i really don't know why.
4- I have been to a Hannah Montana concert. I know, i know. i bet all of you out there are like, " Hannah Montana sucks!", but it was REALLY REALLY cool. ( my mom and dad are the bomb for hooking my family up with all of our sweet vaca's)
5- I actually took dance for like 5 years, apart from the fact that i have no dancing abilities, whatsoever. Unlike my best friend Keairra, Who will take your breath away that she is that good. lol :) (4 years when i was little and 1 year in 4th grade)
Well i also hoped you learned something interesting about me today that you didn't know.
I tag Mindi! GO!!!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I have been Tagged!!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
THE one and only book that reached the goodness-level as Twilight! (thats right, i said it!!)
OMG. This book kicks some serious BUTT. I Love them. There are four of them. They are Called Maximum Ride. The order goes like this---- #1- Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, #2- Maximum Ride: Schools out- Forever, #3- Maximum Ride: Saving the world, and #4- Maximum Ride: The Final Warning. -- yeah this one is the fourth one. I have heard rumors that they are supposed to make 12 of them-- GET READY FOR THAT, MOM!-- but i am not sure about that many. But i am positive that he IS making a fifth one-- YEAH!
it is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME...(besides twilight) It's about these six kids, oh just like every other kid, except, oh yeah-- THEY CAN FLY!! Max, she is the leader of the flock- 14. Fang- he is Max's Right hand man and he is like a brother to her-- or is he more?- 14, Iggy- He is also 14 and unfortunately, he is blind. Long story, Nudge- she is 11 and boy is she a blabber mouth, Gasman a.k.a. Gazzy- he is 8. Dont ask about the name-- and of course, Angel- She is 6 years old and strangely fascinating. They are not related at all.
They escaped from "the school" together with the help of Jeb Batchelder. (who apparently is now on the dun dun dun, the dark side now. He left them two years after he rescued them) At the school there are people who are called the whitecoats (evil scientists) who do horrible, inhumane, tests on children that were either stolen from the hospital at birth, or their parents were paid alot of $$ to sell their children to the school.
This book basically centers around max and how she is supposed to do these tasks:
1: protect her flock from evil and vicious Erasers ( mutant half-human, half wolf creatures, that work for the white coats-- who want them dead)
2: Stop and Eliminate the whitecoats, once and for all
3: Find their REAL parents, if they exist
4: Figure out her real feelings for Fang
5: and Freakin' save the world!
-- This book is way awesome and i seriously recommend this book to all of the people who have NOT read it! I promise, YOU WILL LOOOOVVVVEEE IT!!! GET ON IT, PEOPLE!!!
P.S. I do have to give some props to my mother who bought these books for me. I didn't really want to read them, but i decided that i would give them a shot.and boy i am glad i did! THANK YOU MOM!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
3 word answers
I saw this on my friend Tiburon's blog. It looked like fun, so i thought i would try it out!
What I am doing: Sitting at computer
What I’m proud of today: helping my mom
What I’m thinking about: very hot guys
Who is home: All of us
Plans tonight: looking in backpack
My weekend was: Too frickin short
What’s for dinner: I already ate
Feelings about love: it really rocks
Feelings about life: enjoy every moment
What I need: loose 15 pounds
What I want: a cute boy
What I have: all mean girls
My pet peeve: people who hate
My guilty pleasure: Cafe Rio burrito
What you don’t know about me: actually am mature :)
What I can hear: My itunes music
What I can smell: nothing right now
My style: hot, in style
My hairdo: depends on day
My outfit: my soft pjs
My mood: tired and sleepy
The weather today: a hot day
Thoughts on parenting: kind of nervous
Thoughts on marriage: i dont know
Thoughts on politics: makes me crazy
Thoughts on celebrity gossip: i love it!
Thoughts on beauty: always pretty inside
Thoughts on sleep: Never get enough
Thoughts on writing: Not the funnest
My favorite appliance: computer, tv, phone
My favorite car: My dads lexas
My favorite splurge: Hanging with friends
My favorite beauty secret: ha no surgery
My favorite treat: Ice cream, cake
My favorite everyday pleasure: when im laughing
Ten years ago: i was 3
Five years ago: i got baptised
One year ago: ready for middleschool
One year from now: Lean and strong
Five years from now: Dating
Ten years from now: Married?
I’m famous for: Making you laugh
I’ll never be famous for: my body shape
Who I am: Fun, happy, out-there
Who I hope to be: fit, confident, happy
What I’m thankful for: family and friends
Now It's Your Turn!
Sad day :(
we are all mourning the sad passing of our sweet little chick Hopper. On friday I (katie) came home to go swimming, when our little friend bunny (bentley) came bolting down my driveway screaming, " Katie! Katie! Hopper's gone! We can't find him!"
I ran into the garage and exactly as she said, he was gone. I realized that we had left our garage open the night before and our poor Hopper must have gotten eaten by an animal. I sadly walked into my house to find my poor little sister Chandi, the one who had owned hopper, crying. After a few minutes of cheering each other up, we were okay. We just wish hopper was here!!!! We love you, Hopper!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I am Legend Exstravaganza!
oh the fun times we had last friday. Last friday, Mandi, Randi, Keairra, Ashley, Jocelyn and I hung out with the oh so funny Kyle Cabbell and Tanner Sullivan. We wanted to all hang out and we had all been talking about it for at least three weeks. Finally, one not so special friday, we decided to put our awesome plan into full action. Keairra, Randi, Ashley, and I left at 3:00 and went and met the two guys in Tanner's freakin' sweet Rhino that was to die for ( I loved it!!) and drove us over to Jocelyn's house. Mandi came a little later because she had to do some sweet chores. This is a Picture of a Rhino
..... The front Seats.......
........ and the back seats.........
It makes you wonder how we fit all six of us in this thing! When we got to jocelyn's house we decided that we would watch I am Legend. Mandi came like 20 minutes into it, and Randi had to leave with 20 minutes left of it to babysit. I seriously love that movie, it's my favorite movie. (ha, kristin! I did it, thats right!) After the movie was over, we played a couple of games and then Ashley had to go home. We danced a little bit, had a pillow fight. All of the people that were left ( accept jocelyn, she had to clean her fridge. lol) went outside and played a little game of basketball. It was Tanner and Kyle versus Mandi, Keairra, and I. Of course, we got our butts whooped. The score was 20 to 6. I know, we rock.
Then just the five of us went for a little ride in the Rhino and we rode on some jumps. It was way fun. After that, we went to Tanner's house and played Guitar hero on his Wii. We rocked out! but sadly mandi had to leave, so we drove her home and Me, Keairra, Tanner, and Kyle all went back to Tanner's house to play a little more guitar hero and then we ventured outside.
We swung on the swings and we played on the teter- totter, but the funnest and Funniest thing that we did was that we jumped on the Trampoline. we were all playing a game called tripper, and Kyle, me, and Tanner were all one side and Keairra was on the other. And all of the sudden, right were Keairra was Standing, the trampoline just collapsed. We were laughing so hard that it was hard to stand up. keairra felt really bad and apologized but Tanner, being the awesome nice guy that he is, told her that they would just get a new one and that he wasn't mad.
We went back inside, chatted for a bit, and then went up stairs to play his new game, High School Musical Sing it. we had a blast and laughed ourselves up. I have to admit, we were all kick butt singers :). But sadly, the time passed by so fast that it was already 8:15. Me and keairra made our journey home with the guys in the fabulous rhino one last time. We thanked them and said that we had a blast. They told us that they had loads of fun and totally wanted to do it again.
Me and Keairra went home with smiles on our faces, and happy hearts. We were way happy that we had a kick butt day .
That was our fabulous Friday, How was yours? :)
Love K~C! XOxoXo
Wow i think that Mandi are about to jump out of our pants that we are so full of joy!!!
Yes- Sarah Wayne Callies IS coming back to Season for of the all Sucessfull show called Prison Break!!!!! YAHOO!!! The director HAS confirmed that indeed the head in the box was NOT hers, and that they have kept her alive all of this time.
I don`t know about all of you guys but, WoW we are SOOO HAPPY! We had out own epiphany about this and we absoloutly just knew that she HAD to come back into season 4.
(heart) We love you WENTWORTH!!!!! (heart)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Lol Demotivational Posters
Okay these are just some demotivational posters that made me laugh so hard. lol my mom told me about them and i just had to put them on here.