My Bestest friends in the whole entire world would have to be Mandi,Keairra, Ashley, and Randi. WE ROCK MAN~! We will do the stupidest things and maybe get in little fights, but in the end we will do anything for each other because we love each other. We are going to tell you a little bit about them.
Lets start with Keairra. Oh my Gosh she will make you laugh so hard, you just might pee your pants. She loves to be the center of attention (don't blame her. That is just her personality) oh and does she LOVE Hannah Montana! Haha she is awesome.
Ashley is so awesome. We love her so much! She rox our sox and makes all of us laugh! She will always make tense moments easier for everyone. She is awesome~!
Randi is so STRANGE.. lol jk randi! We love you! She is very smart and always is willing to help us with anything. She is like our Wonder woman.
Mandi is basicly my twin, lol accept she doesn't look like me at all. She is very beautiful and she is awesome. She has the best advice. I love her!
We even have Scrapbooks with tons of pictures of us, followed by tons of memories. It rocks! Good times, good times.
Peace out!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Hey Ya'll! My BFF's Rock!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter everybody! Katie Here! I have had a blast today! I woke up at 8:00 and went to and Easter egg hunt/ breakfast that was for our whole neighbor hood. It was hard getting our whole family to get up that early on a Saturday, but we did it! I saw my Best Friend Mandi and My other Best Friend Keairra there (Randi slept in!). We chatted and ate breakfast with each other. After that Mandi went to Her brothers' BMX races, then went to the Dixie Red Rocks. I hung out with Keairra until 1:30. We had a blast. We made up a dance to the song Shake, and a partial dance to the song Drop. When my Family from Enterprise came here, Keairra had to leave but we had a way fun time. My Family and I had lunch that was made by my dad which was DELICIOUS! (Thanks dad!!) Next we played games like Guess the Celebrity, Musical Chairs, and Celebrity Races. Everybody had to go home after that so we said our goodbyes.
Wew, after that i was bushed! I went and took a nap on my soft red couch, but i was interrupted by my sisters and their friends who wanted to watch Enchanted. We watched Enchanted and then Had Cafe' Rio for Dinner. Tomorrow we (randi, mandi, keairra, and me (katie) have to sing in church for the Actual Easter holiday. The "Easter Bunny" will come tomorrow after church and my sisters are oh so excited.
Well I hope everybody has a FANTASTIC SUPERDUPER Easter!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Thank you MEGAN!
and yes. SHE IS THE BEST AUNT EVER! (my favorite!! I love you!)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Girl Madness
OH the DRAMA! why do girl's lives have to be so HARD?! I know, i bet all of you are like "yeah whatever. they wouldn't know trouble if it hit them right between the eyes." well it's hard not life for us! We have stupid school at 7:45, the bus comes at 6:45 and that means we have to wake up at at least 5:00 or 5:30, maybe 6:00 (if you wanna look good!), school for a stupid 6 and a half hours of tests, assignments, and work, come home, chores, homework, and maybe chill for two hours, eat dinner, Tuesdays= Young Women's (katie is the Beehive Pres. Hooray for her!),
Wednesday= sports night, then after that go home get in shower and get ready for tomorrow aka rinse and repeat. AND not to mention in between all of that, DRAMA, fights, crying, fun, frustration, fear, nervousness, and a WHOLE BUNCH OF OTHER CRAP! ahhh... good times, good times.
HERE are some of the worries, problems, or fun things that are happening to us right now-
Grades are a big thing in high school, so you can get to college. Well... we are so close to being at that LEVEL! how scary is that! we are almost freshmen!!!. LOTS of work has to go in to get you through the school year and plus you have to pas End of level tests, and in high school there is SAT's and.... other tests that we can't remember that are really important. Ha it's good that we have some time before that comes.
Girls are all about getting along, but sooner rather than later a relationship bump comes along and you get into a BEE- OTCH FIGHT. oh yeah-it's that bad. there is lots of name calling, teasing, rumor spreading, backstabbing, crying, and if it gets really bad there might be some hitting, slapping, and other assortments of physical or emotional damage. i bet all of you women have gotten into one of these positions and it is not very fun. well we are livin' that nightmare as we speak.
One word: GUYS- here are some things that hit the top of our charts that associate with guys:
10- well of course, getting guys to NOTICE THAT YOUR ALIVE
9- Actually being able to talk to guys without COMPLETELY embarrassing yourself
8- uh talking to guys that are strange and kinda weird
7- making yourself look good so that guys will talk to you ( and not just the weird ones)
6- guys talking to you that are WAY cute
5- getting guys to want to hang out with you
4- guys asking you out
3- a guy kisses you
2- a guy asks if you will be his girlfriend and
number 1- getting married to the guy of your dreams
There are lots of other problems in girls lives but, i don't think that we will have enough room to write it all. Okay, i have expressed my stress.I FEEL ALOT BETTER! LOVE YOU ALL!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
We LOVE music!
Yo! VIP! LETS KICK IT! My second biggest obsession right after Wentworth Miller 3, is Music! Oh my gosh I LOVE MUSIC! even if a little beat comes on, I will start dancing. JUST LIKE ALL OF THE OTHER GIRLS! oh come on! when a beat comes on you have to at least hum, sing, dance or something?! When my friends and i first moved here, we were just like all of the other girls. Nice, goofy, LISTENED TO CHURCH MUSIC LIKE 24/7~! ..... maybe not 24/7 , but we listened to it alot. Now we tend to listen to it occasionally, but now it is all about Hip-Hop and Rap! Boy do we love Rap! Take a look at that playlist one more time and notice that at least 3/4's of that list is either Rap or Hip-Hop. YEAH! IT ROX! well whatever floats our boats right?!
If you wanna dig my sweet tunes, I am pretty sure that i will be talking non-stop about music on here! Cya L8er!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Hey everybody! My name is katie, and i am so psyched to have my own blog!!! I am gonna be chatting away about friends, enemies, HOT GUYS, school, hobbies, good days, bad days and many more miscellaneous things! I especially love Prison Break, so if you talk to me about anything associated with that topic, I will LOVE you, right off of the bat!! I made this blog so i could share my life with the world and that it could rock your sox! Love you all!